Mittwoch, 6. August 2014
"Feuer Frei" in englischer Übersetzung erschienen
Mittwoch, 06.08.2014

Meine SF-Satire "Feuer Frei" aus dem Buch "Kein Raumhelm an der Bar - Neues aus der Asimov-Kellerbar" ist jetzt auch als englische Übersetzung erschienen.
In einer Übersetzung von Wolf von Witting erschien diese Satire als "Fire in the Hole" in CounterClock 18. Viel Spaß!
von Klaus Marion
Übersetzung: Wolf von Witting
My wife gave me the information concisely. "We have been invited by Herbert. On Friday. To a private party in the Asimov Basement Bar. We are going!"
Of course, Herbert is a widely renowned sf-fan. But why should we participate in this dreary party, thrown by a half-witted wanker? The conversation of his other guests can usually be hailed as pedestrian at best.
Perhaps because Herbert's parties are renowned for their relaxed atmosphere, for their compelling and charismatic guests and for the exquisite food as well as for the sharp witticism of their host.
The event unfolded accordingly. One celebrity after the other entered Rudi Gerstner's Asimov Bar and Herbert was once again the superstar of the parade...
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